So, newsflash: Ombre hair has had its day. Do we hear a collective sigh of relief? Thought so. As great as it was, it was a difficult style to get right, so the time has come to make way for something new.
And here it is: all hail Sombre hair! We get the lowdown on the new trend from Jaclyn Smith, Creative Colour Director at Jo Hansford. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Kate Beckinsale…we’ve seen so many celebrities flocking from Ombre to Sombre. Should we all follow suit?
The Ombre trend was absolutely huge with the celebs, and Soft Ombre or Sombre is the perfect transition,” says Jaclyn. It’s a more grown-up version of Ombre, relatively low-maintenance and very versatile. A natural-looking technique and a great way to showcase healthy, glossy hair.” So, an easier version to carry off – great news! But which celebrities are working the trend best?
It may be a matter of taste, but Cara Delevingne is rocking Sombre right now. Jessica Biel and Jessica Alba have been Sombre for some time” advises Jaclyn. It also looks fabulous on blondes, with Rosie Huntington-Whiteley as a leading example.” Fair enough, the celebs can carry it off. We’d expect that. But your own hair is an important asset, so what should we consider before going Sombre? Is it right for everyone? Sombre is best suited to people with mid to long hair. It really needs to be at least shoulder length and ideally longer. Jaclyn recommends. It looks fabulous on long, wavy hair and the tones can be adapted to suit any colour.” The technique doesn’t really work for very curly hair, or very fine, straight hair. Sombre is best worn with a loosely tonged or tousled wave, so you need to style your hair with some movement”.
OK, so we’ve taken the plunge and left the salon with brand-new, bang-on-trend hair. What’s the secret to keeping it lovely? As with any colour process, shine and condition are paramount. You should always protect your investment! Jaclyn points out. Your colour will always look its best if your hair is healthy, nourished and glossy. Use a specialist colour shampoo and conditioner along with weekly treatments. The Jo Hansford Expert Colour Care Collection contains specific ingredients such as Sweet Blue Lupin Peptides, to prolong the life of your colour and protect against fade. The Intensive Masque will give your hair extra nourishment and extreme moisture to keep your hair in perfect condition and your colour looking vibrant for longer.” Years of dying your hair can often leave it damaged, so Jo Hansford has specifically formulated a new multitasking Protect and Shine Leave in Conditioner.
The clever treatment effectively and instantly strengthens, moisturizes and repairs your tresses. The result? Shinier, softer hair, with a boost of vibrancy to those gorgeous Sombre locks. Finally, reminds Jaclyn, always be mindful when spending time in the sun and look after your hair in the same way as you would your skin. Jo Hansford Expert Colour Care Leave-In Conditioner contains strong UV filters for exactly this purpose.” So, take heed before you take the plunge. Beautiful, Sombre hair awaits!
All Jo Hansford Colour Care products are available online at To book an appointment for Sombre hair colour, call the reception team on 020 7495 7774 or email: